3950 Wellesley
Below are some topics you will find
at my other homepage.
Click on any line to go there!
The Front Door
...over 19 pages of great poetry
...eleven pages of quotes
...what does your name say about your personality?
...bonus page: who were you in your past life?
...a funny story about Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody
...an important article for women: "Stuck in the Same Old Job? Are You Afraid of Success?"
...go here for the no-frames version of the above article
...Mommies' Place...my favorite: a special section just for mommies and mommies-to-be!
...Timely Tidbits...this section goes along with the Mom's section: a parents' guide of helpful tips and tricks; be sure to enter your own useful tidbits!
...my honor...Phenomenal Woman
...a few awards
...a couple of links
...some wonderful webrings
...a few great search engines
...a small business dream
...if you need help in making your own web page, I can help to ease your HTML woes
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